Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Boobs are unfair and Netflix SUX!

Thanks to my good buddy, el Single Gal, for sharing with me a bit of wisdom from MSNBC. Boobs jiggle a distance of up to eight inches during exercise and traditional sport bras don't help. Also noteworthy, boobs don't just move up and down, but also side to side and in and out. That last part makes me feel a little sick.

The first thing I thought when I heard this was, "This warrants a flippin newsflash? I could have told you this when I was 15."

My second thought was, "Who is the perv who designed this study? I bet he was all, 'Lets attached this device to your boobie and then make you run around! Fun!'" Then I read further to see that this study was conducted by a woman. Joanna Scurr, a biomechanics professor at the University of Portsmouth in England, to be exact. So at least I know it was a sister, with my best (or should I say breast) interests at heart.

What I found most interesting was that Ms. Scurr says a dual cup bra is more effective for stopping breast movement than a traditional sports bra which simply compresses the breasts. I did not know that!

Now Scurr-y is working with clothing manufacturers to develop the bra of the future. As an absolute hater of sports that require equipment I have to pay for, and someone with large breasts which often get in the way of my desire to jog or jump up and down, this at once excites and annoys me. However, I look forward to what science produces. Because what I paid $35 for at Modell Sports just ain't cuttin it.

Finally, I don't know if you, like me, fell for the new Netflix commercial that tells you you can instantly download movies onto your PC and rants about "5 movies for $5!"

I thought (mistakenly) that this meant I could go online and pony up $5, and download 5 movies. I figured they'd be streaming and I wouldn't be able to keep the files but whatever, that's fine. But no, that's not even close. You have to sign up for one of their plans and then you have a limited number of hours allotted to you to watch online movies, and there are a limited number of movies available online.

Dude...that's not what I want. I hate Netflix. They're evil because the service they provide is so good, but honestly, so unnecessary.


Anonymous said...

Hm hm.. that's interessting but frankly i have a hard time seeing it... wonder what others have to say..

Anonymous said...

Not sure where to post this but I wanted to ask if anyone has heard of National Clicks?

Can someone help me find it?

Overheard some co-workers talking about it all week but didn't have time to ask so I thought I would post it here to see if someone could help me out.

Seems to be getting alot of buzz right now.


Poker Reviews said...
