Friday, June 27, 2008

Puzzle pieces

Fitting in has always been a major preoccupation of mine.

When I was a kid, I was never sure if I fit in. As a teenager, I distinctly remember not wanting to fit in, and doing everything in my immediate power to stand out as much as possible.

As I got older, I wanted to fit into a certain size dress which was an increasingly impossible task. And then in my late 20's, I wanted desperately to fit with a guy and the desperation led me to desperate attractions to all the wrong men.

Lately though I have realized that as a puzzle piece, there must be some magnetic property that leads you exactly to where you need to be, if you just let it.

I have this amazing group of friends that I have known forever. We don't need to talk every day, but when we just fits.

I have another sister from another mister. We met through such a convoluted set of circumstances, but I know we were meant to be besties because no one's sense of humor makes sense with mine quite as much as hers does.

And sometimes I think I am lucky enough to find myself in a crowded room full of strangers and magically, the one character that my character can get along with manifests itself, and I have an amazing time.

And sometimes I can get past myself enough to forget the room is full of strangers and immediately every face is friendly, every glance is welcome, and every hand is open.

I have become determined to be myself, and in so doing, have learned that fitting in should never be a struggle. I was made to fit into this world just as I am, and I am delighted to know that no one could fit into my place quite like I can.


Duff said...

Girlfriend, you are officially 30 and doing it proud. ;)

Miss you!

MoOnTheGo said...

You are truely awesome.
If you don't fit in then i certainly don't and I think we are better off for it.
but it's true (espesh the man bit)
I wonder if it's about fitting in or just one day finally being at peace with being exactly who I am puzzle be dashed.
BTW: keep up the blogging you're fab at it!!