SO I just started this web course for non-profit professionals about finding yourself and visioning your future and reaching new heights and stuff like that.
And one of our assignments is to try to create a vision for our future. The way we do this? By imagining our funeral.
I guess this is normal.
I'm supposed to think about what 4 people (a family member, a co-worker, a friend and a member of my community) would say about me.
So this is how I think it would go.
First my sister would get up and say something like, "I always thought my sister was a real putz, but she cracked me up, and she was nice to have around." Because my sister is not a really mushy person.
Then my boss would get up and say, "Jessica worked alot. I wish she was still around, because I have something I'd really like for her to do."
Then my scary, damaged friend would get up and say, "She liked to make up really funny song parodies. The time she sang "Wishin' and Hopin'" I almost peed myself. The lyrics were something like, 'hug him, and kiss him, and squeeze, and don't ask any questions, and when you do, you will be his. In a very emotionally unfulfilling way......"
Then the woman who lives downstairs from me would say, "She was a nice girl. Sometimes she left her porch light on for three days at a time, and she came home too late, but she always brought the trash barrels in."
Ok, so I know I am supposed to envision what I REALLY WANT people to say about me, but thinking about it like this...well, it just puts things in perspective. Mostly in the perspective that I need to spice up my life a little bit before I die, or no one will have anything interesting to say about me at my funeral.
Also, I Simpsonized myself. Here you go.
Is it wrong to be offended that I didn't get to speak at your funeral! Lol
Although I would probably be a soggy mess babbling something about burritos and crumeler.
I would want to say that J Dubs is the coolest person and the planet will be even more stifling without her here. That because she achieved everything she desired before she died there is nothing that she left behind but love and her wicked cool memoir - "The Dubs livin it up on the J tip" She wil be sorely sorely missed but you can catch her life story on th We network this Weekend running 5 times back to back, such was the inspiration of this wonderful woman. Please don't buy anymore flowers, donate some money to her foundation "Doin it for the Kidz"
Thank you!
You flippin crack me up, Miss Mo. Of course you would be at my funeral, and speaking. I like how your speech is like a commercial. You're sucha celebrity!
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